Mairia and Bill: In Her Words…

I've been trying to think of what to write so that family and friends can all get updated on how things are going. I have been pretty much at a loss for words, as astounding as that may seem.

This has been a very rough journey for all of us. Bill has handled all of this with so much courage and strength that it leaves me in awe. Many who love him have said "I wish I could take this pain for you." Bill's answer has always been "No you wouldn't because I wouldn't let you. " Even on his worst days he thinks about others.

As he enters this final stage there are so many mixed emotions. The thought of losing him breaks my heart so badly that it steals my breath away. At the same time, he is ready for the pain to be over and I wouldn't ask him to spend one extra minute in it. He doesn't have any fear of whatever may lie ahead.

Bill has been my best friend, other half, protector, biggest supporter, the best Dad to our kids, my partner and my life for over 25 years. I'm really not sure how I'm going to get through this, but I know if it wasn't for the love of family and friends I wouldn't be able to.

On Monday they put Bill on a morphine pump and are keeping him heavily sedated to ease his pain. No one knows how long this part will last. Please send a thought, say a prayer or whatever you believe that he may pass easy. He has suffered enough.

I can't begin to tell people how much Central Wyoming Hospice and Transitions came to mean to Bill and myself.

I think Bill summed it up best when he said, "No I don't want to leave here. They made me feel at home".

We were treated with not just respect but with love. I can't name names for fear of missing someone because every person we had the pleasure of working with was amazing.

It wasn't only the people at the house but the community that support, donate and volunteer that make this place touch so many lives.

Thank you and much love,
Mairia and Bill